Product vs Period Costs Accounting for Managers

Her group advocates for free tampons and pads in schools, prisons and other institutions and eliminating the so-called tampon tax. So, as they don’t influence inventory valuation, period costs don’t create confusion about the value of unsold goods. Examples of period expenses include vendor bills, storage for supplies or inventory not generating revenue, borrowing period […]

Small Business Accounting Software Start for Free

However, the only software Wave Accounting syncs with is Wave’s own payroll service. Otherwise, users must sync Wave with their favorite business management apps through Zapier, a third-party service. Users can connect an unlimited number of bank accounts to Wave Accounting software, ensuring every transaction is accounted for and financial snapshots are up to date. […]

Free invoice generator Online invoice maker

NerdWallet’s accounting software ratings favor products that are easy to use, reasonably priced, have a robust feature set and can grow with your business. The best accounting software received top marks when evaluated across 10 categories and more than 30 subcategories. Learn more about how we rate small-business accounting software. NerdWallet independently reviews accounting software […]

Passive Income vs Residual Income: What’s the Difference?

Jim’s furniture manufacturer builds tables and has several large pieces of equipment in the sawmill used to re-saw logs and boards down to the finished dimensions. The saws in the mill what heading is the capital lease reported under on a balance sheet cost Jim a total of $500,000 and he is currently earning a […]

How Checks Clear: How Fast Money Moves After Deposit

If you don’t have enough money in your account to cover the reversal, you end up with a negative account balance, and you could start bouncing other payments and racking up fees. Ultimately, you are responsible for deposits you make to your account, and you’re the one at risk. If you’re depositing a check and […]

Bookkeeping basics: A guide for small businesses

Bookkeeping is the backbone of your accounting and financial systems, and can impact the growth and success of your small business. It encompasses a variety of day-to-day tasks, including basic data entry, categorizing transactions, managing accounts receivable and running payroll. QuickBooks accounting software can help you ease into the accrual method of accounting by ensuring […]

Gross Margin: Definition and How to Calculate The Motley Fool

The gross margin represents the percentage of a company’s revenue retained as gross profit, expressed on a per-dollar basis. Calculating a company’s gross margin involves dividing its gross profit by the revenue in the matching period. It defines the firm’s efficiency, which is why managers should keep a careful eye on the gross margin ratio […]

Appraisal Report What Is It, Examples, Types, How to Read?

Since the home serves as the borrower’s collateral, the accuracy of the appraisal matters significantly. When you sell your home, you won’t automatically get a copy of the report, but you can request one and the lender will have to provide it to you in 30 days time. If the appraisal came in under the […]

Budgeting Principles of Managerial Accounting

The operating budget consists of projected sales revenue, the cost of goods sold, and all the separate operating expense budgets you’ll be creating. The last step of developing a master budget uses the components you have compiled to create a budgeted balance sheet. The budgeted balance sheet predicts the final effect of costs and sales […]